ChatOps for ServiceNow

Use ServiceNow right from your chat tools!

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The Future of Work

Eliminate the delay of having to wait for any approvals! The RapDevBot will allow your users to update interact with ServiceNow directly from Microsoft Teams or Slack. This means that an Approver will no longer have to reply to an email, login to ServiceNow, or take any other manual steps to respond to a request.

Request approvals

Allow your managers to approve or reject a request directly from their chat tools. You no longer have to log-in to ServiceNow to interact with a request!

Incident response

All your IT Fulfillers can not respond to incidents in their assignment group right from Slack or Teams. They can update work notes, change the state of an incident, or reassign incidents to other teams if needed.

Change management

Tired of sitting through CAB calls to approve a change request? You can now do it right from Teams or Slack, without needing to login to the ServiceNow UI or joining an endless CAB meeting!

Chat is the Universal UI

ChatOps builds on the notion that everyone understands the Chat UI, and the more you can bring to that UI, the less you have to worry about switching windows or learning new tools. ChatOps has now arrived for ServiceNow! With our bot, you can interact with most of the ServiceNow actions right from your instant messenger.

Instantly respond from your mobile device

Eliminate the need to login to the UI


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