ServiceNow Services

RapDev is a ServiceNow Premier partner, focused on the intersection of ServiceNow and DevOps. Our mission is to help customers understand and adopt the ServiceNow platform for the modern technology stacks and ecosystems, including cloud-native services and containerized workloads.

ServiceNow Elite Partner Badge
Discovery Implementations
Tag-Based Service Mapping implementations
Containers Discovered
Services Mapped

Our engagements regularly focus on transforming CMDB’s and CSDM’s to become more service-oriented and scalable for the modern service manager. The RapDev team focused explicitly on implementing the ServiceNow DevOps module, ServiceNow IT Operations Management module, and the ServiceNow IT Business Management module. Our belief is that focusing on those specific modules, with a team of experienced Site Reliability Engineers and DevOps Engineers will allow us to remain the leader in implementing the modules within the ServiceNow ecosystem.

Customers we enjoy engaging and collaborating with are ones looking to lead the charge in the cloud migration journey, and are looking for a team of seasoned engineers, with an engineering-first mindset to help them build velocity within their organization.  We have repeatedly helped developers automate their change processes and approvals, by keeping them in their native ChatOps toolset.  We look to bring modern DevOps practices to your ServiceNow implementation by leveraging tags, ChatOps tools, and event-based triggers for all your Discovery and Mapping implementations.

Engineering time spent on customer implementations has also allowed us to build some integrations to share back with the community.  Please take a look at some of our ServiceNow App Store integrations, and our open-source Github repository for more information.

If you believe we can help you modernize your ServiceNow implementation, and help make it more relevant to the future of your organization’s technology roadmap, please drop us a line and someone will be in touch with you soon.