Datadog Quickstart Workshop

Datadog has proven to be the leader in modern monitoring services for Cloud and on-prem infrastructure, with a platform that has out of the box monitoring for over 200 Cloud services. As a leader in AWS, GCP, and Azure monitoring, Datadog has become a must have platform for observability into all Cloud based workloads.

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The Datadog platform has grown to over 400 out-of-the-box monitoring integrations and cloud services dashboard and monitors. It has organically become go-to choice for monitoring Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Microsoft Azure workloads.

How do you get the most out of Datadog?

To realize the maximum return on investment from your Datadog implementation you should focus on the ability to quickly roll out the platform, maintaining a sound tagging strategy and efficient configuration management as your agents are deployed.

Datadog Tagging Strategy

Our team has helped many customers adopt the Datadog platform to its fullest extent, delivering in-depth visibility across on-prem and cloud-native solutions, helping customers realize engineering and business insights into their applications.

What are our offerings?

Engaging with RapDev to accelerate your rollout and can range from a fixed-cost quick-start workshop to a multiple-phase deployment incorporating APM, logging and infrastructure monitoring. Whether you’re looking for quick monitoring wins or a multi-stage deployment that will cover a large volume of workloads, we can help.

Quick-Start Workshop

This option includes a two-day on-site workshop. During this period your team will receive:

Assistance on the best practice implementation of the platform

Advice on tagging strategies

Advice on implementation of APM, Logging, or Infrastructure

Assistance with building custom checks, or agent checks

Assistance with using OOTB integrations to third party platforms such as MS Teams, ServiceNow, PagerDuty, and more

Advice on setting up dashboards and monitors

Advice on implementing WatchDog best practices

In addition to the two-day workshop, your organization will receive:

30 day access to the Slack channel for instant responses to any Datadog questions

1 Month free trial of the Datadog SNMP Autodiscovery integration

Datadog Quickstart Timeline

Day 1-2:
Discovery workshop for AS-IS state, Tagging strategy and Modules overview

Week 1-3:
Assistance with creation of YAML files, Vault keystore manager and Module integrations, provide guidance and best practices

Week 4:
Review of Datadog Monitors and Dashboards with the admin team, provide guidance and best practices

Week 5:
Documentation and handoff to Monitoring admins, run remote office hours to Datadog users across two (2) one-hour sessions

Week 6:
On-going Slack support for Monitoring admins team

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Looking to learn more about our solutions? Or just chat DevOps? We’d be happy to jump on a call and see how we can help you and your organization move faster.

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